“Man, you guys are good. I didn’t feel a thing, Doc!”
The doctor sat quietly across from his patient. He frowned.
“So tell it to me straight – how’d my surgery go?”
The doctor leaned forward in his chair and cleared his throat. “It-” He glanced out the window. “It was unconventional.”
“Yes, that’s how I would describe it, exactly. Unconventional.”
Both men sat still for a minute, waiting.
“We found a Rolex watch in your peritoneal cavity.”
“You wanna know something, Doc? I’d completely forgotten about that thing.”
A confused look. “So you knew it was in there?”
“Yea I knew it was in there, I had Doctor Martin toss it in the last time you guys cut into me.”
The doctor consulted a file on his desk. “For your triple-bypass, two years ago?”
“Yea, that was it.”
“And why on Earth did you ask Doctor Martin to do that?”
“Cause I didn’t want Stacey to try and pawn it before the divorce! You know how they get.”