With life pretty much back to normal at this point, I’m struggling to balance a busy social calendar and this newsletter. I’m not going to worry about it too much, but at some point I need to revisit exactly when during the week I do my writing, so I’m not stuck sitting here each Sunday night groaning at my computer.
I’ll leave you with two quotes I’m thinking a lot about this week and then I’m heading outside to read.
– Emmett
I collect bad wines. Cause if the wine is ready, and the person is there, I’m opening it. I no longer want to postpone anything in life.
Ric Elias
Most people are good. Most people are trying their best. So there’s almost always a reason they’re not living in accordance with nature, when they’re not being their best. There’s almost always something going on—from mental health to lack of education to the fact that it’s been a tough day.
Ryan Holiday

Recent Posts:
Training Update, June 11th – The first 30 miler of 2021, banana pancakes and the rest of my training plan.
What I’m Reading:
The Rise and Fall of Planet Hollywood – Kate Storey, Esquire
“There once was a time, before Instagram stories and reality TV, when the only place we regular folks saw famous people was in character onscreen, on Letterman, or in People magazine. They seemed impossibly far away and glamorous.”
The Back to Office Maximum – Culture Study
“You can think of wrangling your employees back to the office, as many recalcitrant executives have, as herding ornery cats. Or you can think of it as an opportunity to become the diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization you declare yourself to be on your “About Us” page. If employers actually value hard work, they should do some of their own.”
A Project of One’s Own – Paul Graham
“If your projects are the kind that make money, it’s easy to work on them. It’s harder when they’re not. And the hardest part, usually, is morale. That’s where adults have it harder than kids. Kids just plunge in and build their treehouse without worrying about whether they’re wasting their time, or how it compares to other treehouses.”
What I’m Listening To:
Unlocking the Power of Your Mind w/ Dr. Andrew Huberman – School of Greatness Podcast