After all of this time I still hate saying COVID. Coronavirus seems less threatening, more conversational. Saying COVID feels a bit like calling weed marijuana. Just a thought I’ve had for a while.
Back in September I wrote about the end of the pandemic being our generation’s V-Day. I still love the picture below, and can imagine similar scenes in the not-too-distant future, kind of like this subway rave video.

This week I stumbled across a quote that captures the 2021 V-Day feeling perfectly:
“After nearly a year of isolation, the floodgates of social life, dating, festivals, and travel will open into a social revolution once vaccines reach the minimum threshold. Jokes about the new roaring 20’s will abound on social media, and the moniker will feel earned. Young people, most notably college students and recent graduates, will make up for lost time, checking off – and adding to – their bucket lists with abandon.”
– Lauren Weiniger, Co-Founder and CEO of The SAFE Group
I love the imagery in this quote. Try telling a recent grad who had their final months of school transformed last spring, or a current senior, to stay in or take it easy when this is all over. Seriously? One awesome outcome of this could be expanded gap years for college graduates who can afford to take them – swapping unsteady job prospects for a year of lost travel or unconventional employment.
Even I – the antithesis of a partier – find the idea of standing in a loud, crowded room and joyfully breathing in the germs of random people appealing. Imagine having some unhealthy guy in a bar cough into your face and thinking, “Cold germs? Flu? Who gives a f*ck?” I’ve made jokes about burning my masks when this is all over, but I’m starting to think mask-burnings may actually happen. TikTok pro tip: Have the videos ready to go so you’re the first one out of the gate whenever the time comes. I’m not sure what viral song will accompany them, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be Imagine. Maybe F*ck You, by CeeLo Green, as you toss your masks off a bridge somewhere.
I’m pumped.
Otherwise, not too much for this week’s newsletter. I posted a good amount to my site this week so will give you all the opportunity to read through that. A lot of it is personal reflection, so if that’s not your thing I understand.
I’m always curious what others are thinking, so send me an email with your goals for the year if you’re up for it!
– Emmett
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