I still haven’t shaken my flower kick. Here are some pictures from the last two weeks:
That last shot was taken outside my office in lower Manhattan, inside of what can only be described as a field of dark purple tulips, my favorite color since I first saw them last year. Purple tulips represent royalty and nobility, which is a bit of a buzzkill for a flower so beautiful. The deep color reminds me of grape popsicles, a highly underrated flavor and one that, luckily for me, was almost always in low-demand.
Also, an article in the Post about flower thieves in Brooklyn. I’d been wondering why, in a city as big and chaotic as New York, more people don’t steal these beautiful flowers, but it seems like they do! One resident, speaking about his stolen plants: “They had lived here a long time. These were living things. They were part of the building.”
Grand Army Plaza
One more picture because I’m in the mood this morning. Grand Army Plaza is my favorite landmark in New York. It reminds me – unsurprisingly – of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. It’s majestic. It commemorates the Union’s victory in the civil war, with statues of Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant. General Sherman was at the dedication of the monument. I’m extremely fortunate to pass by this scene every time I run to Prospect Park, and it’s a great reminder that Brooklyn itself is a city that rivals any in the United States or elsewhere.