A little ol’ internet scam

I had NO idea that the Nigerian prince scam – send me thousands now so I can wire you my million dollar fortune later – was still kicking, or that a couple of cute variants would be sitting in my junk mail, waiting for me to find them on a slow Friday night.

I’ve been bouncing around a short story idea about the guys on the other end of these emails, who are probably just trying to make ends meet. They’d seem far more evil if the scam were even half believable, but since it’s as farfetched as they come I just admire the grind.

Here’s one that I received:

Hello Dear,

I am sorry to encroach into your privacy in this manner. There is absolutely going to be a great doubt and distrust in your heart in respect of this email, coupled with the fact that so many individuals have taken possession of the Internet to facilitate their nefarious deeds, thereby making it extremely difficult for genuine and legitimate business class persons to get attention and recognition.

I am seeking your assistance for the transfer of Fifty Two million (US$52,000,000.00) to your account for private investment purpose. Please send me a message in my private email address is ([email protected]).

I look forward to your response.

Erik V

The sad thing is there is no way these guys would keep doing this if no one was falling for it. The promise of instant cash for nothing is just too appealing…


Semi-regular thoughts on the good life and personal growth.